
10 web development tips & tricks

what's up everybody how's it going so today i am joined by a very special guest this is kyle from web dev simplified a lot of you might know him he's got a really big channel about web development and simplifying it and uh some of you who've watched my channel in the last few months might remember that i made a reaction video to a video that kyle had made where he talked to that thing and why you might not want to work at fang i kind of gave the opposite opinion but either way we recently paired up and decided to do this collaboration we're really excited we'll bring to you today 10 of the most important web development tips or things to know that we've identified but before we jump into that and before i have kyle just kind of introduce himself to you i do want to say that we filmed a really fun video on kyle's channel where he put me to the test he basically quizzed me on all my javascript sort of trivia knowledge and internals of javascript knowledge